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what I get in this Ramadhan??
Thursday, August 25, 2011 | Thursday, August 25, 2011 | 0Comment

hello, assalamualaikum to all member who like to visit my blog padahal x de sape pon ske bace :P
HAHAHA I wanna tell you a story about "what I got in this ramadhan "  panjang cite nye : P
HEHE in this ramadhan are very diffrent with other month .
I got :

a) easy to study and pick up what theteacher are teaching :)

b)yeah ! yes I got it

c) but I lose my appetite, thats mean , I can slim !

and in ramadhan which have some history which can give the moral like a night of Lailatul Qadar

this night which :

a)Allah give blessing to all it slave and some or a lot of reward.
b)a special night that Allah realize all you want ( if you ask )

did you want know what I wish at this night???

a)I pray for extend the age of my parents because :
 i)I want they see which I day I got 10A+ in SPM
 ii)I want they see I become a doktor , good people which observed shame and
    dignity and family care

b)I wish I can see next Ramadhan to me
c) I wish give easly to find conjecture this life
d)success in this life
e)and this important get to fing paradise Allah <3

huh! we have reached the end of ramadhan , what you got in this ramadhan???
answer yourselves ! okay ??

(kalau salah grammar,tlg betolkan ,saje nk improve english ! HEHE )